

Honesty and Integrity

Teaching children about honesty and integrity is vital for their character development. We can lead by example, demonstrating honesty in our actions. Praise children when they tell the truth, reinforcing its value. Explain that honesty builds trust and helps in relationships. When mistakes happen, guide them to take responsibility and learn from them. For instance, […]

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Cultural Heritage

Sharing stories, traditions, and celebrations from our culture with our children is a wonderful way to keep our heritage alive. It helps them understand where they come from and instills a sense of pride in their roots. We can begin by narrating tales from our culture’s rich history or folk tales that have been passed

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Promote Good Behavior

Parents play a vital role in teaching children about respect and good manners by setting a positive example. Children learn by observing, so it’s crucial for parents to demonstrate polite behavior in their interactions. This includes using “please” and “thank you,” showing consideration for others’ feelings, and using polite language. When children display disrespectful behavior,

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What is this week; fresh, exciting awes & surprises each day?

At Wollybee, every new week comes with a completely fresh batch of creativity, challenges & determination. So, we tend to start our Mondays with the necessary amount of enthusiasm. Wolly personally believes that the weekdays have a bad reputation simply because we start them with unpleasant activities. This is exactly why Wolly’s Gang has created

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