What is this week; fresh, exciting awes & surprises each day?

At Wollybee, every new week comes with a completely fresh batch of creativity, challenges & determination. So, we tend to start our Mondays with the necessary amount of enthusiasm. Wolly personally believes that the weekdays have a bad reputation simply because we start them with unpleasant activities. This is exactly why Wolly’s Gang has created a formula that does wonders for our sleepy weekend selves! We let our imagination take charge of our work, and the result always leaves us spellbound.


The kickoff to this week was especially remarkable, as we welcomed two new additions to our gang. And within a few moments of introduction, Wolly was fawning all over them! Wolly was super excited to make new friends, particularly since they were so warm & prolific. 


Later this week, Wolly was mesmerised by some brand new, serene & bright artworks installed by the gang. Each one of these pieces was crafted with complex emotions, a tranquil profile & a stroke of brilliance. You can take a look at these pictures below!


We were also able to track our progress better this week. Wolly’s Gang has been completely immersed in the creation of our upcoming original cartoon series, ‘The tales of Tonny the Monny.’ We have been utilizing our artistic prowess at its finest to create something that stays with our audiences. This week gave us a confidence boost, as we started working on a fresh episode.


Amidst all the chaos of targets to be achieved & the targets we missed, a surprise made our week an absolute winner! One of Wolly Gang’s precious allies decided to leave us in awe with an afresh look. Wolly couldn’t take their eyes off this gracious change, and neither could anyone else!


A colleague’s birthday is always the best reason to slack off work & relax with a bunch of treats! This is exactly what Wolly’s Gang did as we celebrated one of the most talented teammates’ birthdays. There was food, drinks, cake, songs & a whole lot of warm wishes for our birthday boy! Wolly had a great time showering the birthday boy with love & pampering throughout the day!


As the week progressed towards its end, the glorious festivities of Makar Sankrat met us at the threshold. And since we are a gang which is always looking for reasons to celebrate, we crafted a grand party for this special occasion! The whole Wolly Gang gathered on the rooftop of our office, flew kites, enjoyed til-gud, pumped up the music & set the dance floor on fire!


All in all, it was a great week, where each day came with surprises & left us all in awe! Some were challenges & others were comfortable, but each event was a significant milestone. So, it’s a goodbye for now, but I’ll be back with another exciting update from our Wolly-full journey!