Promote Good Behavior

Model good manners and polite behavior in your interactions with others. Correct any disrespectful behavior from your child gently and explain the importance of showing respect to everyone.

Parents play a vital role in teaching children about respect and good manners by setting a positive example. Children learn by observing, so it’s crucial for parents to demonstrate polite behavior in their interactions. This includes using “please” and “thank you,” showing consideration for others’ feelings, and using polite language. When children display disrespectful behavior, it’s important for parents to correct them gently and explain the significance of showing respect to everyone. These moments are valuable teaching opportunities. Instead of reacting harshly, parents can calmly address the behavior and provide guidance. Here are some example During a family dinner, Aarav interrupts his grandmother while she speaks. His parents, Neha and Vikram, gently correct him:
Neha: “Aarav, when Grandma is speaking, it’s important to wait for your turn. Interrupting is not polite.”
Vikram: “That’s right, Aarav. We should listen respectfully. Let’s wait for Grandma to finish, and then you can share.”
After the dinner, Neha and Vikram sit down with Aarav to explain:
Neha: “Aarav, do you know why it’s important to wait?”
Aarav: “Because it’s polite?”
Neha: “Exactly! When we listen without interrupting, we show respect. Just like how we want others to listen to us.”
Vikram: “And Grandma had something interesting to say, right? We wait for her to finish before sharing our stories.”